Sunday, 21 April 2013

Childhood a Time Gone By - 6 is an Age to Remember

In our youth the sun seemed to shine everyday, the trees seemed to reach up to the stars, every landscape was our playground and every playground revealed a treasure. We knew no fear and embraced our world with excitement and wonder.

Our childhood holds precious memories of a time gone by, an innocent view - yet not shattered, a safe place - sleep is deep and undisturbed, and time goes on forever and ever.

If I could travel back in time, to the age when I was six, I would stop time here for an eternity. It was a time when I could climb the highest tree without the fear of falling, a time when the simplest things could become a toy, and exploration of the neighbourhood could only rival Christopher Columbus.

As adults, responsibilities and hidden fears have replaced young passion - for toys that are more challenging; travel that is more exotic; rewarding accomplishments; and the giving of ourselves for the care and happiness of our loved ones, and for others.

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